카테고리 보관물: Fluorochrome


Spectrum Chart

Cy5.5 Spectrum
Excitation () Emission (㎚)
675 695

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49022 545/25
565 (LP) 605/70
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49914 642/20
647 (LP) 705/72
For use with laser between 633~650

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


A variety of cyanine 5.5 (Cy5.5) dyes has been used to label biological molecules for fluorescence imaging and other fluorescence-based biochemical analysis. They are widely used for labeling peptides, proteins and oligos etc. Cy5.5 dyes are one type of the most common red fluorophores.

Cyanine 5.5 (Cy5.5) 염료는 형광 이미징 및 기타 형광 기반 생화학 분석을 위해 생물 분자를 표지하는 데 사용되었습니다. 그들은 펩타이드, 단백질 및 올리고 제 등의 라벨링에 널리 사용됩니다. Cy5.5 염료는 가장 일반적인 적색 형광체의 한 유형입니다.


Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
554 581

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-G(B) 540/25
565 (LP) 605/55
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49004 545/25
565 (LP) 605/70
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49305 546/22
565 (LP) 590/33
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49908 532/10
532 (LP) 590/50
For use with laser between 529~535

Narrow Excitation band,
Longpass Emission

49909 561/10
561 (LP) 600/50
For use with laser between 557~563

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


tdTomato is a genetic fusion of two copies of the dTomato gene (2) which was specifi cally designed for low aggregation. Its tandem dimer structure plays an important role in the exceptional brightness of tdTomato. Its excitation and emission maxima occur at 554 and 581 , respectively. Because tdTomato forms an intramolecular dimer, it behaves like a monomer, and has been used successfully for N- and C- terminal fusions. It shows excellent photostability and its half-time (t0.5) for maturation is one hour at 37°C.


Spectrum Chart

YFP Spectrum
EX() EM()
514 527


Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
39003 495/20
515 (LP) 535/30
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49003 500/20
515 (LP) 540/30
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49905 514/10
514 (LP) 545/40
For use with laser between 511~517

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission




Yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) is a genetic mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) originally derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Its excitation peak is 514 and its emission peak is 527 . Like the parent GFP, YFP is a useful tool in cell and molecular biology thanks to its properties useful for fluorescence microscopy.

노란색 형광 단백질 (YFP)은 원래 해파리 Aequorea victoria에서 파생 된 녹색 형광 단백질 (GFP)의 유전 적 돌연변이입니다. 그것의 여기 피크는 514 이고 방출 피크는 527 입니다. 부모 GFP와 마찬가지로 YFP는 형광 현미경 검사에 유용한 그 특성 덕분에 세포 및 분자 생물학에서 유용한 도구입니다.



Spectrum chart

GFP Spectrum
Excitation () Emission ()
488 507

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-B(B) 480/30
505 (LP) 535/40
Medium Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49002 470/40
495 (LP) 525/50
Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49020 480/20
495 (LP) 510/20
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49904 488/10
488 (LP) 525/50
For use with laser between 485~491

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein composed of 238 amino acid residues (26.9 kDa) that exhibits bright green fluorescence when exposed to light in the blue to ultraviolet range. Although many other marine organisms have similar green fluorescent proteins, GFP traditionally refers to the protein first isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. The GFP from A. victoria has a major excitation peak at a wavelength of 395 and a minor one at 475 . Its emission peak is at 509 , which is in the lower green portion of the visible spectrum.

녹색 형광 단백질 (GFP)은 238 아미노산 잔기 (26.9 kDa)로 구성된 단백질로 청색에서 자외선까지의 빛에 노출되면 밝은 녹색 형광을 나타냅니다. 많은 다른 해양 생물이 유사한 녹색 형광 단백질을 가지고 있지만, GFP는 전통적으로 해파리 Aequorea victoria에서 먼저 분리 된 단백질을 의미합니다. A. 빅토리아의 GFP는 파장 395 ㎚ 에서 주요한 여기 피크와 475 ㎚ 에서 사소한 피크를 나타내고 그 방출 피크는 가시 광선 스펙트럼의 낮은 녹색 부분에 있는 509 입니다.


Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
520 603

Recommended Filter set for for EtBr

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
39009 480/30
505 (LP) 620/60
Medium Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49005 545/30
570 (LP) 620/60
Medium Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source -> 문의 주시기 바랍니다.


As with most fluorescent compounds, ethidium bromide is aromatic. Its core heterocyclic moiety is generically known as a phenanthridine, an isomer of which is the fluorescent dye acridine. Absorption maxima of EtBr in aqueous solution are at 210 and 285 , which correspond to ultraviolet light. As a result of this excitation, EtBr emits orange light with wavelength 605 .

대부분의 형광 화합물과 마찬가지로 에티듐 브로마이드는 방향족으로  중심 헤테로시 클릭 잔기는 페난 트리 딘으로 일반적으로 알려져 있으며, 이의 이성질체는 형광 염료 아 크리 딘입니다. 수용액에서의 EtBr의 흡수 최대 값은 210 ㎚ 와 285 ㎚ 에서 자외선에 해당하며 이 여기의 결과로 EtBr은 파장 605 ㎚ 의 주황색 광을 방출합니다.


Spectrum Chart

Cy7 Spectrum
Excitation () Emission ()
743 767

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49007 710/75
760 (LP) 810/90
Very Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
  • 레이저 Lighting source -> 문의 주시기 바랍니다.


Cyanines were and are still used in industry, and more recently in biotechnology (labeling, analysis). Cyanines have many uses as fluorescent dyes, particularly in biomedical imaging. Depending on the structure, they cover the spectrum from IR to UV.

Cyanine is the non-systematic name of a synthetic dye family belonging to polymethine group. The word cyanin is from the English word “cyan”, which conventionally means a shade of blue-green (close to “aqua”) and is derived from the Greek κυάνεος/κυανοῦς kyaneos/kyanous which means a somewhat different color: “dark blue”.

Cy7 is a near-IR fluor that is invisible to the naked eye (Excitation/emission maximum 750/776 ). It is used in in vivo imaging applications, as well as the Cy7.5 dye.

Cyanines(Cy) replace advantageously conventional dyes such as Fluorescein(FITC) and rhodamines (TRITC, RRX), yielding brighter and more stable fluorescence.

시아닌은 여전히 업계에서, 그리고 최근에는 생명 공학 (라벨링, 분석)에서 사용되고 있습니다. 시아닌은 형광 염료로서, 특히 생체 의학 이미징에서 많은 용도로 사용되며 구조에 따라 IR에서 UV까지 스펙트럼을 커버합니다.

Cyanine은 polymethine 그룹에 속하는 합성 염료 계열의 비 계통적 이름입니다. cyanin이라는 단어는 일반적으로 청록색 ( “아쿠아”에 가까운)의 그늘을 의미하는 영어 단어 “cyan”에서 유래되었으며 다소 다른 색상 “진한 파란색 “을 의미하는 그리스어 κυάνεος / κυανοῦς kyaneos / kyanous에서 파생되었습니다.

Cy7은 육안으로 보이지 않는 근적외선 (near-IR) 불소로서 (여기 / 방출 최대 750/776 ) Cy7.5 염료뿐만 아니라 생체 내 이미징 응용 프로그램에 사용됩니다.

Cyanines (Cy)는 Fluorescein (FITC) 및 rhodamines (TRITC, RRX)와 같은 기존의 염료를 대체하여 보다 밝고 안정한 형광을 생성합니다.


Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
433 475

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
39001 435/20
455 (LP) 480/30
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49001 436/20
455 (LP) 480/40
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49902 436/20
442 (LP) 480/40
For use with laser between 430-445

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

49903 436/20
442 (LP) 500/40
For use with laser between 430-445

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) is a versatile biological marker for monitoring physiological processes, visualizing protein localization, and detecting transgenic expression in vivo. CFP can be excited by the 405 laser line and is optimally detected at 485 .

시안 형광 단백질 (Cyan Fluorescent Protein, CFP)은 생리 학적 과정을 모니터링하고, 단백질의 위치를 시각화하며, 생체 내에서 유전자 변형 (transgenic expression)을 검출하는 다목적 생물학적 표지자로서 CFP는 405 nm 레이저 라인에 의해 여기 될 수 있으며 485 에서 최적으로 검출됩니다.


Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
649 670

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-R2(B) 620/50
655 (LP) 690/50
Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49006 620/60
660 (LP) 700/75
Very Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49009 640/30
660 (LP) 690/50
Medium Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49913 635/20
640 (LP) 655(LP) For use with laser between 627~643

Narrow Excitation band,
Longpass Emission

49914 642/20
647 (LP) 705/72
For use with laser between 633~650

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


Cy5 dye is a bright, far-red-fluorescent dye that can be excited using the 633 or 647 laser lines, and visualized Cy5 filter sets.  In addition to immunocytochemistry applications, Cy5 is also commonly used to label nucleic acids.

Cy5 염료는 633 또는 647 레이저 라인을 사용하여 여기되고 Cy5 필터 세트를 시각화 할 수있는 밝은 원색 – 형광 염료로서 면역 세포 화학 응용뿐만 아니라 핵산 표지에도 일반적으로 사용됩니다.

AlexaFluor 594

Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
590 617

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-R1(B) 560/40
600 (LP) 635/60
Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49008 560/40
600 (LP) 630/75
Wide Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49306 580/25
600 (LP) 625/30
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49911 594/10
594 (LP) 645/75
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


Alexa Fluor 594 dye is a bright, red-fluorescent dye that can be excited using the 561 or 594 laser lines. For stable signal generation in imaging and flow cytometry, Alexa Fluor 594 dye is pH-insensitive over a wide molar range.

Alexa Fluor® 594 염료는 561  또는 594 ㎚ 레이저 라인을 사용하여 여기 될 수있는 밝은 적색 형광 염료입니다. 이미징 및 유동 세포 계측법에서 안정적인 신호 생성을 위해 Alexa Fluor® 594 염료는 넓은 molar 농도 범위에서 pH에 둔감합니다.


Spectrum Chart

Excitation () Emission ()
555 580

Recommended Filter set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source 사용시

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-G(B) 540/25
565 (LP) 605/55
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49004 545/25
565 (LP) 605/70
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49305 546/22
565 (LP) 590/33
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

  • 레이저 Lighting source 사용시

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49908 532/10
532 (LP) 590/50
For use with laser between 529~535

Very Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

49909 561/10
561 (LP) 600/50
For use with laser between 557~563

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


Tetramethylrhodamine (TRITC) is a bright orange-fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited to the 532 laser line. It is commonly conjugated to antibodies and proteins for cellular imaging applications.

Tramethylrhodamine (TRITC)은 532 ㎚ 레이저 라인에 이상적으로 적합한 여기가있는 밝은 주황색 형광 염료로서 일반적으로 세포 이미징 응용을위한 항체와 단백질에 접합됩니다.